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Thigh Lift

Who must have a thigh lift surgery?

Women over the age of 40, whose sagging has increased on the inner and upper parts of their thigh after weight gains and losses, and those who experience sagging at an early age due to their skin types, are eligible candidates.

Sagging and corrugated inner parts of the legs are the primary problem that disturbs women. Especially frequent weight gain and loss, lack of exercise, and aging accelerate the loosening of the thighs. Such a sagging and corrugation on the inner part of the leg do not only annoy the patient aesthetically but also disturb her functionally due to the friction that occurs when walking.

Thigh lift is a procedure intended for the elimination of the loose skin and fat accumulation on the upper and inner parts of the thighs.

A thigh lift operation leaves a horizontal scar on the inner part of the thigh, or such a scar is accompanied by a vertical scar. The type of surgery varies depending on the extent of the looseness of the skin and the fat thickness of the patient. Sometimes liposuction can be added to this surgical procedure. The scar in its final state cannot be noticed when viewed from the front, when the patient stands upright.


Is there any non-surgical solution for the thigh area?

Doing regular exercise and avoiding weight gain are useful to prevent the skin from sagging on the inner parts of the thighs. Lymph drainage and radiofrequency applications intended for skin tightening are also important for the protection of the thigh area.

Points to take into consideration after thigh lift operation?

  • The patient is discharged the same day.
  • A bandage is kept on the sutures in the first 2 postoperative days.
  • Since the sutures are under the skin, there is no need to remove them.
  • The patient can take a bath two days after the procedure.
  • The patient should not stand or walk too much during the first 3 weeks.
  • At the end of the 3rd week, the patient is allowed to do exercises other than running.
  • All kinds of activities are freely done from the sixth postoperative week.
  • The scars substantially disappear after 6 months, if the surgical site heals without problem.