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Arm And Leg Lift

Who must have an arm lift surgery?

Women over 40 years of with sagging and loose arms, and women with sagging skin on their elbows that have appeared after weight gain and loss, are eligible candidates for this procedure. In addition, patients with a type of skin that tends to get lose at an early age are in the group eligible for surgery, as well.

Doing regular exercise, using skin care materials or even weight control can prevent sagging in the arms and legs to a certain extent; however, these cannot stop aging. Especially in summer, when sleeveless clothes are worn, this problem becomes more noticeable in middle-aged women. Loose and sagging skins that appear on the elbow are removed by with arm lift operations.

Arm lift operations that take about 1 hour are performed with an L-shaped incision starting from the armpit and extending downward towards the elbow. The excess skin is removed, and the tension of the arm is enhanced. Liposuction can be added to the operation, for some patients with thicker arms.


What are the results that can be achieved with arm lift operations?

Arm lift operations leave scars on the inner sides of the arms. These scars substantially disappear after 6 months but never disappear completely. Since the aging process continues after the procedure, the skin on the arm gets loos to a certain extent. Of course, weight gains and losses accelerate this process a little bit more; however, the skin does not return back to the previous state.

Points to take into consideration after arm lift operation?

  • The patient can usually go home the same day.
  • There are bandages in the first 2 postoperative days.
  • The patient can take a bath 2 days after surgery.
  • Since the sutures are under the skin, there is no need to remove them.
  • Patients should not stand or walk too much during the first three weeks.
  • At the end of the 3rd week, patients are allowed to do exercises other than running.
  • All kinds of activities can be carried out after the 6th week.